Lamplight Ministries, Inc.
Write, Publish, Translate, Send
the Gospel to the World 800-540-1597
Post Office Box #202, Harrisburg, NC 28075
We invite you, especially in prayer, to reach souls
and make disciples in all nations with us

Beloved Lamplight family, January, 2023 Volume 3354

May it be A most fruitful year for you!

A most blessed New Year to you. May 2023 be a year of great fulfillment for you. May every relationship be reconciled. May every drop of unforgiveness vanish through the love of God in Christ Jesus in your life. May each of us take action every day to complete Jesus’ instructions to us to share the gospel in our family, in our city, our state, our nation, and to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:18-20). May we be ready every day to share ABC with someone: A: Admit you are a sinner and confess and turn from your sins (Romans 3:23; B: Believe that God raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 8:11) and that He is coming again for you! (I Thessalonians 4:16); and C: Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and you will be saved (Romans 10:9-10). (Populate heaven by printing ABC on a 3 by 5 card and carrying it with you. Carry extras and hand them to the people you share ABC with, so they can do the same!) Soon you will be sharing Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit as naturally as breathing! Please, please let me know how you are doing as you get your feet wet in sharing Jesus with others. I am praying for you!

A surprise for you! Free reading or download on our website: Jack Hartman
Teaching “The Supernatural Power of the Word of God.”
I am so excited for you to “hear” Jack teaching as you read this Scripture-filled message that Jack prepared for you in May of 2017! I can’t wait for you to be blessed by Jack. Go to and find the message to you from Jack!

I am using the healing scripture cards each day!
Watch our website: financial instructions from God Scripture Book
Will be ready soon!

I am in the healing process from a stroke on December 9. I am looking for a miracle with each step and doing everything in the natural to retrain my brain and strengthen my body. I am excited each day! I am using the Healing Scripture Cards that Jack and I wrote together. I focus on three verses each day and go over them, praying them back to our heavenly Father. “I know the Truth and the Truth has set me free. Father, You said that You are the Lord Who heals me. Dear Father, I will not forget one of your benefits.” These cards are amazing! We are republishing them in book form. Watch our website for the date!

Helping You Understand the Bible: God’s Plan Made Clear is waiting for you to read, published on January 31. Go to to purchase the digital book for $.99 (amazon would not let us offer it for free). The kindle version can be read on your phone or any computer or tablet. Then become an evangelist and write a review to cut and paste or write directly under the book’s listing on amazon. You will bless others, reach souls, and make disciples!!!!! Please, please let us know how you like the book as well!

We realized that we were so close to 2023 that we should hold the book, so it will brand new for 2023. This book will be a highlight of your new year. I absolutely guarantee it. You will hear Jack’s voice as you read and you will notice when I am putting my two cents in! It is a fun back and forth. I can’t wait for you to read it. I will let you know the day it will be published. I will ask you to read the book and write a review on amazon. That makes the book a bestseller which attracts more people to the book. The goal is souls! Go there!

We are blessed to be partnering with Victorious Christian Bible University to make available their courses for LGU to be able to offer a certificate, a Bachelor’s, a Master’s, and a Doctorate Degree. The core of LGU is Lamplight books. All students complete 30 Lamplight books. Nikki Trott ( volunteers her excellence and expertise to put this entire university together! Please pray God’s special blessing upon her! Dr. Gideon Tandirerung, our Lamplight Director/Missionary in Indonesia, is working hard on preparing LGU for opening. Already we have two ministers eager to attend as soon as we open. LGU exists to equip ministers for their specific calling; to equip every one of God’s children who is eager to be trained in righteousness and prepared for his or her work for the kingdom of God. Reaching souls and making disciples is Lamplight’s and LGU’s mission. Go to now!
From Dr. Gideon and Claire Tandirerung, Sulawesi, Indonesia:
Happy New Year once again.
We have returned from Toraja after passing through three areas. Landslides, due to continuous heavy rains, hit almost all areas in Indonesia. Many were flooded. Houses were damaged and lives were lost.
We have served churches that are Christian and Missionary Alliance. Many have received good advice to surrender to God and serve.
We’ve been promoting Lamplight Ministries and asking if the people are interested in reading and getting reinforcements. Many responded! We will send books via a digital system because we are not yet able to provide print services. We will need a lot of funds. (Since 1991 Gideon has translated all of Lamplight’s books into Indonesian.)
We agree that the best way to operate Lamplight Global University is to make the university and the books free with the option of voluntary donations. Now the economy is unsettled. Many have backed away from giving to God.
The publisher who promised to publish to this day has not given me an answer. I’ve written to him, but no response.
Everyone is now afraid of the 2023 situation, because economic predictions around the world will be shattered. The President of Indonesia has announced this several times.
Yes, I would like to oversee Lamplight Global University. Perhaps our support will come through LGU.
I will do whatever God directs. I believe God will take care of us, even if there is no definite source.
I have included a photo of me teaching at the conference.
We just leave up to God how He will arrange our lives. We love you and really appreciate all the sacrifices made to God and for us. We love you in God and His work.
Jack and I sponsored Tonny Ssekyanzi as a boy of 14, rescued from living in the bush for three years in the Uganda civil war; through high school, university, teacher training, seminary and ordained as a minister😊

Tonny is the pastor of Lamplight Church in Kampala, Uganda. He has a passion for preparing high school young people to become God’s emissaries in ministry, in business, in education, in every area of life through Lamplight Senior Secondary School. The building is complete! We are expecting God to supply all that is needed to open the school: teachers’ salaries; cafeteria; furniture; books; supplies; library; science lab. We know that He Who began a good work will complete it. Is there a part of Lamplight Senior Secondary School that you would like to supply?

We are filled with joy and anticipation to watch our heavenly Father provide the funds for the opening of Lamplight Senior Secondary School😊 Please agree with us in prayer.
Read or download Lamplight books for free at
(Put in Jack Hartman, Judy Hartman).
We are here for you. Please contact us through our website, phone, email, or US mail. We love you.

Together we are truly blessed to be a blessing, (Genesis 12:1-3; I John 4:8; I Thessalonians 4:16-18)
